Jacob Dinezon – Contents

The Mother Among Our Classic Yiddish Writers
By Shmuel Rozshanski
Translated from the Yiddish by
Miri Koral

Copyright Information


One: A Sweet Man in a Trying Time

Two: Why Did Dinezon the Hebraist Become a Yiddish Writer?

Three: A New Type of Maskil: Instead of Insulting He Laments The Beloved and Pleasing

Four: The Author Who is Frightened by His Great Success

Five: Even Negef, or A Stone in the Road The First Jewish Family Novel Regarding the Conflict Between the Jewish Enlightenment and Hasidism

Six: The Association with Sholem Aleichem and the Clash Over Mendele

Seven: The New Approach Through Hershele and Yosele

Eight: Dinezon’s Arrangements to Resettle in Argentina with I. L. Peretz

Nine: Did Dinezon Produce Little in His Later Years?

Ten: Childhood Love in Two Mothers and the Curse of Money in Alter

Eleven: The Old Home and America in Falik and His House and The Crisis of City Jews

Twelve: A Wonderful Example of Friendship

Thirteen: The Co-Founder of Children’s Homes—For His Heroes

Fourteen: Dinezon the Esteemed and the Unesteemed

